Tuesday, September 27, 2005

now in San Diego

So here I am, after a 3 day trip from Indianapolis to San Diego, sitting on the sofa with my feet on a not-unpacked-yet box in our new apartment in Point Loma (San Diego). It’s really nice and it’s hard to believe that we’re here and already moved in and almost unpacked.
God has just soooo provided for us this whole time. My car is still up and running and it had unbelievably great mileage (around 30 miles/gallon) even though it was filled up with all my stuff, and it only (!) used 3 quarts of oil with the oil leak.
On Friday I’ll work my 1st shift at the Point Loma Starbucks. I already met the manager and some future colleagues and it seems to be a good place to work at.
Check out the new photo album on my website to see some photos of our 3 day trip and the new apartment and the area:

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina the Storm

By now everyone knows about the Storm that hit the Gulf Area in the south USA.. it's terrible..! so i made this short video clip of some photos of the destruction down there. I used photos from Reuters and music by Martin Villiger and everyone who's seen it thinks i should send it to all the major news networks. so now i'm trying to find out all about getting the copyright/permission to actually use these media since none of it is made by me. it's just kinda crazy.. check it out if you haven't yet. click on the title of this entry to see a compressed version of it (approx. 2.5 MB, 2 min).

Thursday, September 01, 2005


so today i went to get gas.. it took more than 20 minutes to get less than 9 gallons of gas for more than $30! something seems to be seriously wrong. the cool thing is though that i had the chance to chat a little with people in the same situation at the gas station. so without knowing it this gas-madness might actually be a blessing..!

my new Starbucks store in San Diego

woohoo everybody!
i just got off the phone with my new Starbucks store manager in CA.
He just asked me a few questions and then welcomed me to the team
and now i'm scheduled to work starting september 26th.
God did it again..! Thanks for praying!